

Corporate Company Website

Developed a WordPress website with more than 50 pages for a corporate company specialized in shopware development.

  • Strategy

    Design Sprints, Workshops

  • Design

    Product Design, Prototyping

  • Production

    Design Sprints, Documentation

  • Platforms


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Shopify store for a gift card company

Developed a shopify store for a gift card company that sells 3d Customized giftcards.

  • Strategy

    Design Sprints, Workshops

  • Design

    Product Design, Prototyping

  • Production

    Design Sprints, Documentation

  • Platforms


  • TechStack

    Shopify, jQuery, SCSS, Liquid

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Hospitality and Spa Uniforms Shopify store

Developed a shopify store using a pre selected theme from client with customizations in checkout. This is hosted on ShopifyPlus account so we managed the checkout...

  • Strategy

    Design Sprints, Workshops

  • Design

    Product Design, Prototyping

  • Production

    Design Sprints, Documentation

  • Platforms


  • Techstacks

    Shopify, JavaScript, jQuery, SCSS, Liquid

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June 21, 2020

WordPress website for a finance management company

We have received design files in Adobe XD. Our team is responsible for the project development from start to finish that includes Project Kickoff meeting till...

  • Strategy

    Design Sprints, Workshops

  • Design

    Product Design, Prototyping

  • Production

    Design Sprints, Documentation, Development

  • Platforms


  • TechStack

    WordPress. PHP, jQuery, SCSS, Bootstrap

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